Berth C&D Rub Rail Replacement
- Alterations had been requested by BHP Billiton on berths C and D at their loading site on Finucane Island. The rubber rails along the length of the structure were in need of replacement, and upgrades to the dolphin guarding had been requested.
- Austral had been contracted to perform these works during the tight shutdown schedule so as to prevent inhibiting loading operations.
- Removal of the existing rub rails and dolphin guarding. These works involved removing the existing base plates, preparing the exposed surface, isolation of electrical services, and disposal of the old dolphin guards.
- Installation of the new rubber rails, transporting the new components to the site and off-loading them at the allocated laydown site, connecting them to the existing electrical infrastructure, and preforming touch-ups to the paint to ensure adequate surface protection.
- Surface protection of all new components to be installed, ensuring that they meet corrosion specification SPEC-000-S-00061 to ensure the longevity of all works installed throughout the project.
The Project