DSL Pond Cleaning Services
- The project encompasses the remediation works of 29 Crystalliser Ponds at the Dampier Salt Limited Port Hedland facility following the extreme weather event which damages the facility in early 2019.
- Austral was contracted to provide pond establishment works, grading and removal of contaminated material, levee construction and ramp removal.
- Site works consist of de-watering of crystalliser ponds, the removal of contaminated mud spoil washed into the crystalliser floor
- Levee remediation works (inclusive of reinstating Crystalliser batters, reinstating windrows and grading of access tracks)
- Repair of washouts along Haul Roads and access tracks. Each Crystalliser pond consisted of ~2400lm of batters to be repaired utilising existing salt and imported material
- Salt management procedures have been implemented to ensure positive works around the salt facility including an on-site automated Wash-Bay