FMG Tug Infrastructure
- As part of a successful bid to provide towage services, Pilbara Marine required the design and construction of a Tug service berth, a maintenance platform, cyclone moorings, and navigational aids for Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) in Port Hedland, WA.
- Austral was subcontracted to install piles for the new facility designed for cyclonic loading experienced in the region.
- Installation 25 No. piles from Austral barges including: jack up barge and Westsea barge with 400T crane and S-500 IHC pile driving hammer. Piles driven were 7 No. 1219mm OD walkway piles, 17 No. 2000mm OD mooring piles, and 1 No. 1219mm OD navigation aid pile
- Cutting piles to design level
- Installation of new headstocks and walkways
- Installation of floating walkways and associated access ramps
- Removal of selected existing navigation aids, and installation of new replacement navigation aids
- Installation of a large fender to existing dolphin