ROM Remediation OHP1

  • The current dump slab at the Yandi OHP1 ROM wall had reached its 25-year lifespan, but BHP requested upgrades to the structure in order to extend the life of the structure for an additional 5 years. 
  • Austral was contracted to provide the upgrades needed to address the horizontal shifting, corrosion, and slab degradation of the last 25 years of service.
  • Partial demolition of existing concrete slab to facilitate the demolition of existing bump stock kerb
  • Construction of new slab tying-in with existing slab with additional re-enforcement bars and 60kg rail sections
  • Horizontal stabilization via installation of Deadman block. Excavation and installation 32mm Diameter Reid rods, installed in the new portion of the dump slab, and tension at the conclusion of earthworks
  • Repair face panel corrosion at RE wall, utilizing EWP’s to identify areas of local degradation, and installing new RECO steel panels as needed to prevent further degredation
  • Stabilisation of area at the top and sides of the RE wing walls

The Project

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