Yandi W3 Civil Construction Works

  •  As part of the BHP Billition Iron Ore plan to expand the W3 pit at their Yandi mine, new infrastructure in and around the site would need to be built as part of their 5-year expansion plan. 
  • Austral took on the job of constructing the new haulage road crossing, diverting a local creek, and installing the requested flood protection bunds.
  • Construction of the Haul road, requiring the excavation of the existing ground to reach the required sub grade. The subgrade is then prepared with a grader, compacted, and inspected 
  • Facing rock was transported to site, placed, blasted with a water cannon to ensure mechanical interlock during compaction. Placement, spreading, and compaction is repeated till the required minimum 200mm depth has been achieved 
  • Installation of culverts involved excavation to the design depth, installation of the concrete anchor block, placement of the culverts using a 60T crane, adding riprap and additional works 
  • Additional excavation, compaction, and grading works carried out to construct bunds 

The Project

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